Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Copyrighted Image Infringement What you'll learn The importance of obtaining permissions prior to using photos on social media or websites.
What you'll learn The importance of obtaining permissions prior to using photos on social media or websites.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Connecting with Strangers Online What you'll learn The importance of being cautious as to who you’re interacting with on social and digital media.
What you'll learn The importance of being cautious as to who you’re interacting with on social and digital media.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Bungled Leadership Transition Cripples Incoming Board of Directors, Operation of Local League What you'll learn The importance of adding language into the local league bylaws that outlines the process and method for transition of leadership.
What you'll learn The importance of adding language into the local league bylaws that outlines the process and method for transition of leadership.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: People Give Face to the Worst in Youth Sports
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Announcing Little League® International Tournament Teams Too Early What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Not Delegating Created an Administrative Nightmare What you'll learn The importance of delegating tasks and why you shouldn’t rely on a small group of volunteers to conduct all league operations.
What you'll learn The importance of delegating tasks and why you shouldn’t rely on a small group of volunteers to conduct all league operations.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Concession Stand Calamity What you'll learn To create a safety plan outlining operational procedures for all equipment located in the concessions area, along with specific start-up, usage, and clean-up instructions.
What you'll learn To create a safety plan outlining operational procedures for all equipment located in the concessions area, along with specific start-up, usage, and clean-up instructions.
Card image Don’t Let This Happen: Adding an Out-of-Territory Player After Registration What you'll learn The importance of submitting a waiver to your D.A. before registering players who are not eligible.
What you'll learn The importance of submitting a waiver to your D.A. before registering players who are not eligible.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Paying Umpires Results in Worker’s Comp Lawsuit What you'll learn If you choose to pay umpires, leagues are encouraged to purchase worker’s compensation insurance.
What you'll learn If you choose to pay umpires, leagues are encouraged to purchase worker’s compensation insurance.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Assuming a Combined Team Is Automatically Tournament Eligible What you'll learn A local league’s tough situation How to avoid it in your league