Dear District and League Officials,
As we are preparing for the Little League® International Tournament to begin in communities throughout the United States, the Little League International Tournament Committee has received multiple inquiries regarding if the Little League Official Patch are required to be on Tournament Team uniforms.
As you may be aware, for the Regular Season for 2021, we eased the patch requirement, understanding the logistical challenges many of our leagues are facing as you returned to the field this season.
After careful consideration, the Tournament Committee has determined that the Official Patch will only be required for the Little League Baseball and Little League Softball (Majors) divisions of play for the 2021 Little League International Tournament.
The Little League Official Shoulder Patch is the only recognized identification which sets a Little Leaguer apart from all other children who play baseball and softball. The patch symbolizes the affiliation with the Little League program and a reminder of the mission of promoting sportsmanship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being for the millions of Little Leaguers around the world.
We strongly encourage all divisions of play to continue to show their Little League pride by including the appropriate patch on their uniforms at our other Little League International Tournament divisions of play (8- to 10-Year-Old; 9- to 11-Year-Old, Intermediate (50/70) Baseball, Junior League Baseball, Junior League Softball, Senior League Baseball, and Senior League Softball), however patches will not be required at these divisions of play.
Patches can be purchased through ShopLittleLeague.org. If you have already purchased patches for these divisions, we would encourage you to use them as originally planned or you may also reserve them for future seasons. For additional questions, please contact Little League Support.
Little League International wishes you all the best of luck and success this Tournament Season.
Patrick W. Wilson
Little League Chief Operating Officer